The French experience of Kazakh steppe and Kazakhstan studying has great scientific potential, rich methodological basis, based on a wide range of sources, unknown for Kazakh researcher.

The opportunity to work in foreign archives, the implementation of state programs, for example, Uly Dala, digital evolution with the formation of databases open up new sources, a new view of Central Asia and Kazakhstan, and develop new areas of research [1]. This circumstance gives the opportunity for new foreign materials analysis of Kazakh steppe published in newspapers and include in the scientific sphere.

We conducted a research to identify articles on the history and ethnography about Kazakh steppe through main French newspapers: «Le Temps» (Montmartre newspaper, 1861-1942); «Le Figaro» (reflects the official view of the French Government); «La Croix» (Parisian newspapers published during the 88 years (1880-1968); «Le Petit Parisien» (1876–1944); «La Presse», «Journal des débats politiques et littéraires» (published in Paris during 130 years (1814-1944); «La Semaine à Paris: Paris-guide …».

French journals and magazines are presented by following title: «A travers le monde», «Bulletin de la Société de géographie et d’études coloniales de Marseille», «Revue des traditions populaires» (1886-1919). «Le Magasin pittoresque» differed by enviable longitude of edition: 105 years (1833-1938).

These are articles by famous researchers, scientists, travelers, military men, writers, members of various societies (anthropological, historical, geographical, etc.) on the study of Central Asia and Kazakhstan. Main themes of this articles are Kazakh traditions and customs. And we can find articles on Russian colonization of Central Asia. All this materials on the Kazakh steppe have an important significance in the context of political force.

Research engineering outcomes

The age of Great geographical discoveries forced to see the East with wide steppes, plains, mountains, stretching through Central Asia, occupied a strategic position from the rich natural resources in the heart of the Eurasian continent. The time of geographical discoveries laid the foundation for the study of the West about the East, which inevitably led to a complex system of mutual influences and interactions retrospective coverage, which today is particularly actual. In European literature of the XIX century Kazakh people were called Kyrgyz [2].

Everything was interesting for researchers of the Kazakh steppe: nomadic Kazakh society, development of cattle breeding, land irrigation, horse breeding, traditions, customs, food, food, national drinks, Yurt, clothing, falconry, language, culture, education, status of women, etc.

There are a number of articles describing the appearance and people’ clothing of Central Asia and the Kazakhs. European reader was surprised of seeing wide-cheeked face, with a flat profile. Interest of strange food is aroused, especially horse meat. After the Russian colonization of Kazakh steppes in the 2nd half of the XIX century and the construction of the railway in Central Asia increased interest of European explorers to the region.

Many peoples were engaged in falconry. A detailed description of the hunt, the process of training a hawk are acquainted the reader with the peculiarities of the French falconry in the Kazakh steppe. E.Blanc, French researcher wrote: «In Turkestan, where firearms are rare, falconry has become part of the customs. Everyone, from small age to older age, gets involved in hunting, everyone has their own bird, more or less large depending on the possibilities. In Turkestan, they learn falconry from childhood. The falcon soars quickly over the fowl, then falls sharply and vertically on it, wings folded in vertical flight… It needs to have extreme accuracy to get to the prey. If it does not have this, which often happens, falcon falls to the ground and the owner picks it up [3].

French traveler describes the Kyrgyz woman: «… her character deserves respect and devotion to the tribe people and her people». And we think that this woman has a big respect from the Europeans. “When she looks up, her eyes shine, and it makes even more respect for this wild people, who first listen to the military virtues, then only the wisdom from the mouth of an educated woman” [4].

One of the main topic is the theme of Kazakh nomadism as a special form of economiccultural type, which left a deep mark in the history of mankind. Forced sedentatization of traditional Kazakh society took to the destruction of the traditional nomadic lifestyle of the Kazakhs, the destruction of the tribal organization of the Kazakh society, feudal and semifeudal relations that were obstacles to the realization of Russian’s policy. With this policy the traditional nomadic system of the Kazakhs came into chaos. Because though nomadic system in a condition of a vast Kazakh steppes objectively was the most effective way of agricultural production. Colonizers were not interested about it, but about the vast fertile land.

The article of the French newspaper «Des Débats» writes: «Because all the land fits for cultivation at the foot of the mountains, and the Russian colonies settled along major mountain chain. The Government encourages the colonization by giving a certain quantity of land without payment to the settlers, in condition that they immediately begin to cultivate it. Numerous colonies were founded not only in the steppes of the nomadic Kyrgyz tribes, but in that part of the region, populated by Tajiks and Uzbeks, who were sedentary and were civilized for centuries» [5].

The description of nomadic cattle-breeding as the main branches of material production of the Kazakh in the XIX century and the first decades of the XX century, in various interpretation of the social and economic essence we can find in many articles of European authors.

Kazakh-nomads were not engaged in agriculture, «the cattle feed itself, grazing. Kirghiz satisfied with what he has, he is happy, if there is grass and water, which give himthe opportunity to feed the cattle from which he receives a coat and skin, that is, fur and housing, felt and carpet tents for yurts, mare’s milk (koumys) and meat» [6]. A traveler highly appreciated the nomad yurts.

Clothes, consisting of hats and cow skin, the quality did not interested the Kazakhs, but «they are interested in the death of the horse more than a compass or glasses». This fact was very interesting for the scientific orientalists society [4]. French researcher G.Capus highly appreciated dombra «Kyrgyz tool splited from thin reed stem, reproduce primitive, but full of meaning sounds» [4].

Interference and interaction of East and West can be found on the example of some valuable animals. In 1885, two dogs tazy (Kazakh greyhound) were brought to France, which were acclimatized and adapted to the mild climate. The well-known French researcher Guillaume Capus in article «Kyrgyz greyhound and mountain tazy» writes that the tazy began to be faithful attached to the owner, a good guard dog in France [7]. We have found that the French writer Stéphane Malarmé, where this dog lived, had a “march of the Asian Khan». Georges Docquois described the Kyrgyz greyhound in the article «Life of famous dogs» [8].

French periodicals published illustrations and photos of the Kazakh life. French linguist and ethnologist Paul Labbé visited the Kazakh steppes and Turkestan in 1896, published his impressions about the Kazakh noting their exceptional kindness [9]. For example, his article in the magazine «A travers le monde» we can trace the process development of education in the Kazakh steppe. Here are placed photos of the school, students and teachers in the city Karkaralinsk [9].

Publication materials in the French periodical press about falconry, kumys, recipes of its preparation, its medicinal properties, kumys advertising, Kyrgyz horses, horse races involving Kyrgyz horses, about the city-garden in Central Asia Verny (the name of Almaty in the XIX century), earthquakes in Verny etc formed the economic and socio-cultural image of the Kazakh steppe.

In process of preparation of the international exhibition EXPO-2017 in Astana (Nur-Sultan) special value are the materials of international exhibitions that took place in Paris in the XIX century with Kazakh exhibits presented in the Russian pavilion. These exhibits with the description of the quantitative and qualitative composition of minerals around the territory of Kazakhstan, kumys Edward, yurt, Kyrgyz horses, which were first presented at an exhibition in Moscow, and then at the International Exhibition in Paris in 1889, where they were bought by France. From the summary of the results of the races in the Vincent forest. We learned that «the victory had been given to the stallion by the name of Kyrgyz» [10].

In the end of the XIX no one could assume that the colonial outskirts of the Russian Empire will be the place for the International Exhibition EXPO-2017 in the XXI century.

Kazakh-nomads can’t understand the research expedition: «The local population perceives the merchants, pilgrims, dervishes or fakirs, but they do not accept travelers traveling for pleasure to see the landscape by collecting rocks and plants, travelers who paint, write, watch the stars, measure the height of mountains» [4].

Each historical period corresponds to their own understanding and attitude towards the facts that give impetus to new areas of historical research. 60 years later after the Napoleonic wars in Russia and Napoleon defeat, researchers analyzed the reasons for thefailed campaign. Article of G.Gérard «Conditions of Peace» is notable that the author, making an excursion into in April 1814, wrote: «At this time, the whole of Europe, inhabited by savage hordes that flocked from the depths of Asia – Bashkirs, Kalmyks, Tungus, Kyrgyz and others, camped in the squares and streets of Paris». This fact suggests to initiate a new research about the participation of the Kazakh in the march of Russian troops in Paris, which will be based on archival materials [11].

By the end of the XIX century geographical interest is completely exhausted itself. Looking ahead, we note that in the late XIX – early XX century French orientalism began to experience the impact of different kinds of historical and sociological concepts to explain the societies development. With the establishment of Soviet power in Kazakhstan articles in French periodicals are expanding in direction of geopolitical studies assessing the political and economic potential of the country, ethnic composition and problems, issues of the national question etc. France is closely following the creation in Moscow and development of Oriental Studies Institute headed by Sanjar Asfendiyarov [12].

By the end of the nineteenth century, French researchers have made a significant contribution to the study of Central Asia and the Kazakh steppe. Geographic, economic, and ethnographic knowledge about Kazakhstan was expanding due to active work of French travelers, business travelers, researchers and others. Researches on the history of Kazakhstan, based on the written sources such as the French periodicals, have a multiplicative effect:

– identification of new sources and their introduction into scientific circulation,

– instrument for modernization of public consciousness of Kazakhstani people,

– in-depth study of the Kazakh steppe in the interdisciplinary context,

– implementation of the identified materials in the textbooks and curricula of secondary and higher educational institutions in an interdisciplinary context,

– as a method of learning French language as an example of articles from French newspapers of the XIX century, which had not previously been used in domestic practice of modern foreign language education.

Research engineering of foreign periodicals should be continued, as it reflects the most important events in the fate of the Kazakh steppe and the Kazakh people. The potential of foreign periodicals, therefore, is far from exhausted. Research engineering makes it possible to identify and introduce new important materials into scientific circulation, influencing the modernization of public consciousness. The identified materials have a multiplicative practical effect for determining promising research directions in an interdisciplinary context.



  1. Werth N. Histoire soviétique: nouvelles archives et renouveau historiographique // Communisme. – 2002. – № 71/72.
  2. Kharuzin A. N. Kirghizy Bukeevskoy Ordy [Kighizes of Bukeev Orda]. – Moskva, 1889.
  3. Blanc E. La fauconnerie en Asie centralе // A travers le monde. – 1895. – № 2.
  4. Capus G. Le toit du monde (Pamir). – Paris: Нachette, 1890.
  5. Journal «Des Débats» // The Sunday Нerald. – 1885. – April 26.
  6. Rocca F., de. De l’Alai à l’Amou-Daria. – Paris: Paul Ollendorf, 1896.
  7. Capus G. Le lévrier kirghize et le tazi de la montagne // Le Magasin pittoresque. – 1885. – Т.3.
  8. Docquois, Georges. La vie des chiens illustres // Le Temps.– 1914. – 11.05 (Numéro 19302).
  9. Labbé P. Au Turkestan. Les paysans russes. Leurs rapports avec les Sartes et Kirghizes // Le magasin pittoresque. – 1901. – T.2; Labbé P. Les Ichanes du Turkestan: Impressions de voyage // Le magasin pittoresque. – 1901. – T.2.
  10. Milton R. Courses à Newmarket // Le Figaro. – 1883. – Numéro 101; Hippisme // Le Figaro. – 1913. – Numéro 19163.
  11. Gérard G. Les conditions de la paix // Le Figaro. – 1871. – № 61 (05.03).
  12. Académie des sciences colonialеs // Le Temps. – 1927. – Numéro 24237.

Негізгі жазбаша дерек көздерінің бірі – XIX ғасырда жедел ақпараттың негізгі көзі болған еуропалық мерзімді баспасөз беттері. Қазақстанның қазіргі тарихи және шығыстық ғылымы қоғамдық сананы жаңарту жағдайында бастапқы теориялық және әдістемелік негіздерді түсіну процестерін бастан кешіруде, оны жүзеге асырудың бір тетігі – «Рухани жаңғыру» бағдарламалық мақаласының «Туған жер» бөлімі.

Шетелдік зерттеушілердің қазақ халқының мәдени-генетикалық коды туралы көзқарасы ерекше қызығушылық тудырады, оның бағасын біз француз мерзімді басылымдарының мысалында байқауға болады («Le Temps», «Le Figaro», «La Сroix», «Le Petit Parisien», «La Presse», «A travers le Monde», «Bulletin de la Société de Géographie et d’Etudes Coloniales de Marseille», «Revue des traditions populaires», «Le Magasin pittoresque» және т. б.). XIX ғасырдағы француз мерзімді басылымдарының зерттеу инженериясы бұрын отандық зерттеушілерге белгісіз материалдарды анықтауға көмектеседі.

Одним из главных письменных источников является европейская периодическая печать, являвшаяся в XIX веке основным источником оперативной информации. Современная историческая и востоковедческая наука Казахстана претерпевает процессы осмысления исходных теоретико-методологических основ в контексте модернизации общественного сознания, одним из механизмов реализации которой является раздел «Туған жер» программной статьи «Рухани жаңғыру».

Отдельный интерес представляет взгляд зарубежных исследователей на культурно-генетический код казахского народа, оценку которого мы можем проследить на примере французской периодической печати («Le Temps», «Le Figaro», «La Сroix», «Le Petit Parisien» «La Presse», «A travers le monde», «Bulletin de la Société de géographie et d’études coloniales de Marseille», «Revue des traditions populaires», «Le Magasin pittoresque» и т. д.). Исследовательская инженерия французской периодики XIX века помогает идентифицировать ранее неизвестные отечественным исследователям материалы.