Dear colleagues!

 R.B. Suleimenov Institute of Oriental Studies of the Committee for Science of the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Republic of Kazakhstan will hold an International Scientific and Practical Conference “Kazakhstan and Eastern Countries: New Horizons of Historical, Cultural, and Political Cooperation” on October 12, 2023.

The conference is dedicated to the 60th anniversary of Dukhen Masimkhanuly, the Director General of the R.B. Suleimenov Institute of Oriental Studies, a distinguished sinologist, renowned poet, translator, outstanding educator, public figure, Doctor of Philological Sciences, and professor.

The aim of the conference is to discuss current issues in contemporary Oriental studies.

The conference will address current directions in the development of domestic Oriental studies, as well as the life and scientific work of Doctor of Philological Sciences, Professor Dukhen Masimkhanuly, and his contributions to domestic Oriental studies. Furthermore, the conference will examine research findings in the fields of political, cultural, and socio-economic issues in Eastern countries.

Conference topics:

  • Issues of statehood in the East;
  • Source study and historiography of East Countries;
  • Kazakhstan and East countries: new dimensions of cooperation;
  • Current problems in contemporary sinology;
  • Political life and history of Eastern peoples;
  • Ancient Turks and China: in the stream of history.

Conference working languages: Kazakh, Russian, English.

The conference will be attended by leading and young Orientalists, historians, public figures, representatives of state and public organizations, as well as media representatives.

 Format of the event: offline/online conference on the Zoom platform.

 The conference proceedings are planned to be published in September. In this regard, we kindly request you to submit your applications and papers (articles) for participation in the conference by July 15, 2023.

Contact information: R.B. Suleimenov Institute of Oriental Studies of the Committee for Science, Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan: Almaty, Kurmangazy Street 29, Phone: +7 727 261-16-01, +77762262683, E-mail;

Responsible Executives: Belgozha Ernur Kuatuly, Tuleshova Saule.

The sending party covers the expenses for the participants’ travel.

To participate in the Conference, you need to submit an Application and an abstract of the article to the Organizing Committee:

  1. Application filled out using the form (see below);
  2. Abstract of the article in printed and electronic format – up to 8 pages in length.

Working languages of the conference: Kazakh, Russian, and English.



The article should be up to 8 pages long, formatted in MS Word editor, version *.doc or *.rtf.

The file name should begin with the last name of the first author of the article.

Font: “Times New Roman”, size 14.

Margins: top – 2 cm, bottom – 2 cm, left – 3 cm, right – 1 cm; line spacing – 1.

The title of the article should be in lowercase, bold, centered on the page. Following a line break, the author’s surname and initials, academic degree, academic title, and the name of the organization should be indicated (in parentheses: city name, country).

Citations to the used literature should be given in the text of the article, as they are cited, for example: [5, p. 39]. The list of references should be provided at the end of the article.

Tables should be presented in MS Word editor.



Akhmetov E.T.

Candidate of Historical Sciences, Associate Professor,

R.B. Suleimenov Institute of Oriental Studies

(Almaty, Kazakhstan)

Text… [1, p. 25]. Тext… [2, p.47].




  1. Processes of Regionalization in Central Asia: Problems and Contradictions. Research

Report. Dadabaeva Z.A., Kuzmina E.M. – Moscow: Institute of Economics, Russian Academy of Sciences, 2014. – 55 p.

  1. Central Asia 2050. Unleashing the Region’s Potential. Editors: Rajat M. Nag, Johannes F.

Linn, Harinder S. Kohli. – Astana, National Analytical Center, 2016. Published by SAGE Publications India, New Delhi, 2016. – 337 p.

  1. Key Indicators of Foreign Trade of the Republic of Kazakhstan for January-December
  2. Foreign and Mutual Trade Statistics. Agency for Strategic Planning and Reforms of the Republic of Kazakhstan. National Statistical Office // URL: (accessed on July 12, 2021).




Full name (in full): ________________________________________________________

Academic degree (academic title): __________________________________________

Place of work: ____________________________________________________________

Full name of the organization: ______________________________________________

Contact phone numbers, fax.: _______________________________________________

E-mail: __________________________________________________________________

Title of the report: ___________________________________________________________

Keywords: __________________________________________________________

Short abstract (up to 250 words): _______________________________________________


Conference Organizing Committee